Sunday, June 28, 2020

Post Hopping - 16th District - Illinois

Although still under the VFW travel ban, I made my way up north to the 16th VFW District in Illinois to visit with my friend and Department Counterpart, State Senior Vice Commander Bobby Welch this weekend.  There was a nice, socially distant, turnout at the Bremen Post 2791 for the elections and I was asked to install the incoming officers for the District.

From there, we visited the Midlothian Post and on to the Markham Post 9801.  Markham took advantage of the COVID-19 pause and completely refurbished their canteen and hall.  It's a night and day difference from the dark old days to the bright and shiny new area and I could feel the pride in that Post.  They are an asset to their community and  certainly are the gathering place when they host their famous Pork Chop dinners.  From all I've heard, I'll make my way back to enjoy that!

Our last visit was Bobby's Post, Alsip 450.  Commander Jaroch was most gracious as he pointed out the memorabilia on the walls.  While talking with Post Senior Vice Morris, I learned he used to live down south and he knew my late friend, Reverend Jackie Davison!  Jackie was our State Chaplain for many years and hailed from my own district here in the southern part of Illinois.  We reminisced about Jackie's devotion to God and ever present good nature.  Anyone who knew Jackie will attest that he was the finest, kindest man.  The world was a better place with him in it.

I drove back to my home after our visits and on that long drive I reflected on the day.  I've missed traveling.  I've missed seeing the great men and women of the VFW who put their hearts and souls into it.  They don't do it for personal glory and they don't do it for monetary gain.  They help their fellow veterans because it's the right thing to do!

Bremen Post 2791 and their beautiful bronze memorial, surrounded by memorial bricks.

Department Senior Vice Commander Bobby Welch and I before the District Meeting began.  Note the medals as I'll be writing about them in more detail!

Tinley Park, IL has a beautiful downtown. All of the benches are decked out in different motifs.  We happened to park by this one, although it was a toss up between the Viking Ship across the street!

Markham Post 9801 and their remodeled space.

Mama enjoyed the cool, smooth and polished floors!  Post Commander Terry McDonald [far left] runs a tight ship and was so proud of his Post!

How's this for curb appeal at Alsip Post 450?

Across the street from the Post home at Alsip 450 they recently erected a monument to Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans.