Saturday, August 14, 2021

Sturgis: Jesse James Dupree Live at the Full Throttle Saloon!

OK fans, this is the moment you've been waiting for:  JJD, Jackyl, and the VFW rocking it hard at the big show Thursday night at the Full Throttle Saloon.  I already had a big day with my new friend Ben from EagleRider around the Black Hills and then Harley Davidson pool party.  Then came the Big Show and man was it packed.  Upwards of 5,000 fans enjoying America baby!

Let's set the stage here, so to speak.  Jesse James Dupree has been working with the VFW and the VFW Foundation for a few years and does amazing things for us not only in donations but introducing us to the people he knows.  Access is everything and he gladly does it.  Trust me, we value that part of our relationship.  I'm bragging on Jesse now, but in the middle of COVID-19, when America was shut down, this man raised almost $120,000 dollars for the VFW Unmet Needs program.  He's that awesome!

The show started and Jackyl was kicking it my friends.  There was electricity in the air and I have to say I was never more stoked at one of JJD's concerts than this night.  I had a great seat on stage right and across the stage on the other side I saw a line up of the Who's Who in the Harley Davidson world having the time of their lives.

After a few songs, Jesse slowed it down and asked the VFW to come on the stage where he bragged on us for all the things we do.  He's got it wrong, it's what you all do for us that makes us successful and I made sure the crowd knew it!  Jesse thought I was going to give him my Commander in Chief coin, as he had seen me do to several folks this week. He couldn't have been more wrong!  I believe that if you get an award you should Pin it where you Win it!  And in front of 5,000 screaming fans I presented Jesse James Dupree the VFW Commander in Chief Gold Medal of Merit [it's real gold too!].  I've never seen Jesse so emotionally charged as that moment.  As I placed that medal around his neck he gave me the biggest hug and the crowd was going wild.  I whispered that we would take it off so he could go on with the concert and, well I won't print what he said.  Suffice to say he wore that thing for the rest of the show and well into the night.  The icing on the cake was a really big certificate to go along with the medal and a bigger picture of me and Mama Cass.  I think he might have liked that more.

We went back to our seats and the show went on.  The take away is that a massive crowd of veteran supporters and also Harley Davidson partners got to see what the VFW is all about and how we feel about our sponsors and friends.  This was truly a night I will always remember.

Jesse, along with Jackyl band members Roman, Jeff, and Chris are behind us one hundred percent.  We, the VFW, salute you for all you do to help veterans! 

Jesse James Dupree:  VFW Commander in Chief Gold Medal of Merit!

The look on Jesse's face when I held up that Gold Medal!  This man is so humble and positive about life.  We really surprised him in front of his fans and supporters.

The even BETTER look when he saw that Mama Cass picture on his official citation!

Probably the first time EVER that a VFW Gold Medal of Merit was presented and worn at a rock concert, in front of 5,000 people, while the award winner was singing his own song "The Lumberjack" and carving up a wooden chair with a chainsaw!

After the concert, Jackyl drummer Chris was excited but I think Dixie Inc guitarist Kenny Kilgore was thinking about running that medal out to a pawn shop!

My friend, Jesse James Dupree.  That sums it up folks....


1 comment:

  1. Happy for you Jesse, thanks for putting some good out onto this world!!!! Chris, I've always known you and Jeff have BIG hearts!!! Great job guys!!!


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