Saturday, June 27, 2020

National PTSD Awareness Day

National PTSD Awareness Day is observed annually on June 27.  This is a day to recognize the effects post-traumatic stress has on the lives of those affected by it.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder has a profound effect on the lives of those who suffer from it.  The statistics alone are staggering, but can only tell a portion of the story. The trauma and anxiety associated with PTSD is a constant burden, inseparable from the sufferer. Although mostly attributed to returning combat veterans, anyone who has experienced violent crime or lived through catastrophic events can be diagnosed with PTSD.  If you are diagnosed with it, you need to seek proper medical care.  There are many new ground-breaking therapies and medical breakthroughs that can help.

The United States Senate established PTSD Awareness Day in 2010 following then-Sen. Kent Conrad’s efforts to designate a day of awareness as a tribute to Army Staff Sgt. Joe Biel of the North Dakota National Guard. Biel suffered from PTSD and took his life in April 2007 after returning to North Dakota following his second tour of duty in the Iraq War.  Biel’s birthday, June 27, was chosen to mark PTSD Awareness Day and honor his memory.

The VA has a mobile PSTD coaching app that has a range of tools and strategies for people with PTSD.  You can check it out at: