Friday, July 30, 2021

The VFW National Convention is here!

Yes!  Finally!  We are having a smaller but still in person national convention in Kansas City.  For those of you around the world who would like to watch it live, here's the info.  I will add that if you are only interested in the election, installation and my acceptance speech <insert really big smile here!>  that's going to happen on Tuesday morning, August 3, at 0800.  There will be some business and videos first, then we roll into a really big day in my life!

"Have your electronic devices ready as the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) begins livestreaming from its business-only 122nd VFW National Convention in Kansas City, beginning with the Monday Business Session on Aug. 2 at 8:00 a.m. CDT, and culminating the following day with the election of a new national commander. "

 Be sure to log on to to watch the stream, and join in on the social conversation using #VFWConvention. 

I've been here since Monday and it's been non-stop preparation since.  We've got committee meetings and such Saturday and Sunday, but the actual business sessions start Monday morning.  I hope you can all tune in!

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

VFW Post 805 Centennial!

 I had the absolute pleasure to attend this 100th Anniversary for a Post in my District over the weekend. This Post is an amazing poster child for all the things the VFW does right in its communities!

The Post itself is spotless and represents our military and veteran heritage well.  Outside, there was a band set up and plenty of shaded picnic tables.  Adjoining the Post was a plethora of re-enactors of our military past.  Even in the 90+ degree heat, these folks stayed in character in their toasty wool gear.  I even got to meet the 2020-2021 Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year, Paulette Fryar.  Looking forward to possible partnering efforts with her this year.

Post 805 is a perennial All American Post and this year received the prestigious  VFW National Community Service Award.  It's clear they are loved in the community as they received plaques and proclamations from the Chamber of Commerce and the City Mayor.  Rounding out the accolades were Proclamations from the Governor as well as U.S. Representative Mike Bost.  The National VFW also provided a very nice 100th Anniversary citation.

I've known the members and community at Post 805 in O'Fallon Illinois for many years.  When I think of a model for veterans service and community service this Post immediately comes to mind.  I spent some time talking with the outgoing multi-term Post Commander, Ed Martinez, and he shared with me a few of the many "quiet" times he and the Post helped veterans.  Not done for fame or glory, not done as part of a program or campaign, but simply to help a fellow veteran in need.  Those are the moments we cherish, for those moments are what the Veterans of Foreign Wars is all about!

Charles Fricke VFW Post 805!  Beautiful Display!

Paulette Fryar, Military Spouse of the Year.  Her husband is currently in the Coast Guard.

Post 805 loves Mama Cass.  They prepared her own name card, bed, water dish, and her favorite snacks.  She didn't move at all during the ceremony.  Why would she!  Also, they placed a fan under my chair to keep her cool.  Did I get a fan?  Nope!

Found one!

"I've chased my last rabbit...."

Some hard working re-enactors.  Thank you!  Never mind that paratrooper hanging around in the background...

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Welcome South Korea to our Blog!

The flag of South Korea, also known as the Taegukgi, has three parts:  a white rectangular background, a red and blue Taegeuk in its center, and four black trigrams, one in each corner.

If you served in Korea for 30 consecutive or 60 non-consecutive days, you may be eligible for membership in the Veterans of Foreign Wars!  Come and join us as we provide service to all veterans, families, and communities on a daily basis!

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Pennsylvania Monthly Membership Kickoff

 Upon receipt of a zoom invitation from VFW Pennsylvania's Membership Chairman, I found myself last night in a serious discussion about VFW Membership.  State Commander Nate and his line officers, officers from the State Auxiliary, and most of his District Commanders were online to start the first of 12  monthly meetings to discuss membership, where they stand, and what they are planning for the next 30 days.

This Team understands they have one year to accomplish their mission and they aren't waiting until the end to start working.  These monthly meetings are part brainstorming, part information sharing, and most of all part camaraderie as the members strive to bring out the best in each other.  The have divided the state into regions, East, West, and Central with membership co-chairs responsible for each region.  Many hands do make light work!

Of particular note is their effort in standing up a state-wide unpaid member calling team.  Comprised of 50 VFW members, they look at their membership lists for comrades whose membership expires that month and make a concerted effort to call that person. The call not only talks about membership renewal, but in general is a 'health and wellness' check to ensure our members are doing ok.  Just in time business principles applied to the VFW!  Outstanding work!  By doing this each month, there will be no mad dash in June to call every member.  Remarkably similar to Aesop's ant and the grasshopper, this effort will pay dividends in their membership numbers.

Great Job Commander Nate.  You and your team are going to excel this year!  Invite me anytime.  If I'm available I'll pop in and cheer your efforts!

A partial view of the 40 people on the membership zoom!

Welcome Readers From Denmark

 Yes, dear readers, another visiting country has been added to the list:  Denmark!

The flag of Denmark is red with a white Scandinavian cross that extends to the edges of the flag; the vertical part of the cross is shifted to the hoist side.  A banner with a white on red cross is attested as having been used by the kings of Denmark since the 14th century.

Denmark is now the 43rd country to join our Blog!

Monday, July 12, 2021

Commander in Chief Hal's Homecoming!

 I traveled to Portsmouth, Virginia to attend Chief Hal’s Homecoming,  It was originally scheduled for a year ago, after his election as CIC, but was cancelled and moved several times because of COVID restrictions.  I’d call it more of a Coming Home rather than a Homecoming, but nevertheless here we are!  And yes, I was here just a few short weeks ago!

This event is usually held to kick off the beginning of the year for the Chief and the State Commanders who will be serving with him, as well as other well wishers and such.  There were tours folks could take and of course plenty of time to gather and socialize.  It’s a bit odd this year since the State Commanders in attendance are all PAST State Commanders now, but hey, it’s tradition, right?

While Mama and I didn’t go on any of the organized tours, we did visit several posts on our own and I’ve already told you about them in separate blogs shots. I spent Saturday afternoon with Chief Hal and we took a windshield tour of Langley AFB and Fort Monroe.  Very interesting places and I could have spent more than a day exploring the old Fort and it's amazing history!  After that we went to his own Post and enjoyed some time with his Post members, just relaxing.  Great Post and they have done a TON of work remodeling.  And they are so proud of Hal!

Friday was a tailgate themed buffet, with everyone wearing their favorite jersey.  I took the high road and wore current State Commander Butch’s [very bright orange] Command shirt.  After all, I’m in Virginia, why wouldn’t I cheer on the home team!  It’s much safer that way when you’re around some very “enthusiastic” sports fans. But, speaking of safer, when you’ve got a group of rowdy sports fans and an open bar it’s probably not the best idea to decorate the tables with small rubber footballs and baseballs.  ‘Nuff said!  Many people said great things about Hal and he deserves them all.  He was a leader in a very difficult year and he exuded poise, style, and grace throughout.  The VFW as a whole was fortunate to have him at the helm as our Covid Commander.

Saturday evening came and there was another dinner, where the uniform of the day was the homecoming shirt.  Not sure when I’ll wear that again, but I gave it a good workout that night to get my money’s worth out of it.  Among some highlights, the Virginia VFW Riders presented a check in the amount of $20,000 for the Vander Clute Memorial Ride.  All of this money goes to our Programs to help veterans and their families.  Way to go Virginia Riders!

Sunday morning came early with an 0500 [yes, you read that right] flight. Mama was a trooper and actually stayed awake until we got on the plane for the first leg.  After that, well, all bets were off.  And now, it’s time to concentrate on the present and continue doing the great work of the VFW.  We are not a “year to year” organization.  Since 1899 the VFW has been fighting for veterans and their families and we will continue to do so well into the future!

Tropical Storm Elsa gave us some beautiful night skies from our room overlooking Portsmouth

Hal's Post, named for Ruppert L. Sargent of Hampton, VA, first black officer to be a Medal of Honor Recipient

A cozy social area at the Post.  The remodeling looks fantastic!

$20,000...that's a lot of dedication, time, and effort by these Riders

Same hotel, same fascinating view, same boats...Just the 17th floor this time.  

Crowds at 0300!  It just got worse after that.  Yes, the skies are open again!

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Action Corps! News You Can Use!

 The Veterans of Foreign Wars Action Corps is a free weekly email that keeps you up to date on the Washington DC scene as it relates to veterans issues.

You will find out where we have provided congressional testimony, when, and of course, the topic. If you want to learn more you can click a link and get in-depth information. There is always a POW-MIA update documenting the great work the Defense POW-MIA Accounting Agency is doing to research, find, and repatriate the remains of our fallen from all wars all over the globe. 

When we need your support in contacting members of Congress we send out an alert with the topic. All you have to do is click and email will be sent on your behalf to your elected officials asking for their support. The most recent was on toxic exposure. I clicked and within an hour had a response from my Senator! This works!

The Action Corps is for EVERYONE, not just VFW members. If you support veterans please sign up!  Did I mention it is free?  Also, if you are a VFW member, your post needs to sign up five new Corps members. So do your part, sign up everyone you can and let your Post know. 

Here's the easy part:. Text "VFW" to 50457 and you will immediately get a link taking you to the sign up page. I was at the Ocean View Post meeting a few days ago, mentioned it, and five people signed up on the spot. 

You can even scan the QR code below to sign up. Thank you!

Friday, July 9, 2021

Tidewater VFW Post 4809

 While many of the Past State Commanders were out on the golf course with Chief Hal, Mama and I took some walks today and then visited the Norfolk Home Post of Past State [or is it Commonwealth?] Commander Eric Mallett.  It was a short drive with scenic views of the water and ships and we soon found ourselves in another Pocket of Patriotism here in Virginia.  This Post was mustered in November 17, 1944.

Eric proudly gave us the tour, inside and out, and it really is impressive.  Their main hall seats over 360 people and while we were there the American Red Cross was setting up for a blood drive.  When Covid vaccines became available, the Post donated the hall to the VA so they could provide vaccinations to the public.  Their working relationship with the VA is outstanding, and the Post provides a no-cost dinner and program three times a year for residents in the VA Spinal Cord Unit.  They also have great relationships with the first responder community and they consider the fire, police, and EMS workers their partners.

The social area is of course governed by local and state laws, but the atmosphere was decidedly veteran-centric.  They take care of their people and patrons and it shows.  I particularly liked the coffee area.  A rack of VFW mugs was available and coffee is there for the membership...just grab a mug and enjoy.  If you didn't want to be inside, they had a really nice pavilion area, complete with tables, BBQ pits, horseshoes and lots of grass for the kids to play.  The next project is to replace the kids playground equipment they recently removed when they cut down some trees.  It's all about creating a family environment that people want to visit.

And the Post itself?  With over 1,100 members it is strong, vibrant, and growing!  I love it!    

Past State Commander Eric starting the Post tour by talking about the history and pointing out artifacts of interest

The walls are truly alive with history here, showcasing the awards and citations the Post and its members have received over the years

Even down side halls there are cases of significance.  I could have spent hours reading the citations and learning more, but sadly we had to get back for other business

The social area, known in other states as the canteen, is well appointed and comfortable

The canteen is dedicated to Mr Robert "Doc" Brunner, a Pearl Harbor survivor.  Here's a picture of the comrade, with well wishes from Post members in the border.  Fittingly, it hangs near the POW-MIA table in the canteen


Ocean View VFW Post 3160

I'm back in Portsmouth, Virginia for Commander-in-Chief Hal's Homecoming weekend.  More on that later!  Flying to Norfolk was certainly a long adventure with weather and mechanical delays, but eventually I made it in a few hours later than expected.  Virginia VFW State Commander Butch Schupska picked me up at the airport and off we went!  We had things to do!

Butch's VFW Post was having a dinner and then their Post meeting and I was honored that they invited me to attend.  The shrimp was delicious and everyone at the Post was very friendly.  With about 1,020 members [That's a really big Post], they do a ton of work in their community.  They have been an All American Post for 6 years running and assured me they would be again in the 2021-2022 year.  The fact that their State Commander is also a member of their Post is an added incentive!

The Post is well laid out and one thing that really stood out was the Kid's Corner.  They had a large chalkboard, bright carpeting and lots of toys and games.  They are bringing in younger veterans and their families by giving the people what they want.  Now families can come and enjoy the great food and camaraderie in a safe, inviting environment.  Their membership numbers show they are doing something right!

The State VFW Riders [motorcycle group] is also based out of this Post.  They donate huge sums of money to the VFW as well as local causes.  They keep it fun and engaging with many fundraising events and a common mission to help others.

The Post meeting ran quite well and I was given an opportunity to speak...which of course I accepted!  I presented them a picture of me and Mama and that was probably the one thing they will remember.  Everyone likes Mama.  During the meeting, they accepted SEVEN new members...they are on the right track.   Go Team!

Who wouldn't be proud to be a member at a meeting with a set up like this?

There's no doubt where you are here.  This is also the Kid's Corner area, but tables were put out for the larger dinner crowd

The VFW Riders are prominent members of this Post and they love to show their awards!  Be proud of your accomplishments.

A fantastic memorabilia display greets you as you enter this Post.  Yes, it is a VFW Post!

Commander Jerry presenting a 30 year membership patch and pin to Quartermaster Steve

We were waiting in the plane and on the ground in Atlanta for over an hour and a half.  It didn't seem to faze Mama.  Such a good traveler!

Friday, July 2, 2021

Hawaii VFW Convention!

In Mid-June, we traveled to Kailua-Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii to attend the 83rd Annual VFW State Convention.  There is certainly a feeling of re-birth here and both the VFW and Auxiliary are looking forward to doing big things this year.

We had a very nice Public Service awards evening, hosted by local Post 12122 in conjunction with the Elks Lodge.  It was most heartening to see local police officers being recognized for their work in their community.  In conjunction with the VFW, they are making Hawaii a better place to live.  The next few days were chock full of convention and business events.  However, instead of sitting in a stuffy ballroom, our meetings were all on a veranda with a beautiful view of the sand and ocean.  During the Memorial Service, there was a decided Hawaiian flavor as we listened to Ms. Annie Alves singing Kanaka WaiWai [Jesus Lives] while playing her ukulele.  There certainly was something spiritual in the air as all the comrades, brothers, sisters, and guests began slowly swaying to the tune and singing the words.  I was really touched.

Many of the Posts received awards for outstanding community service.  One Post in particular stood out and was also named the Hawaii Post of the Year:  Lance Corporal Hayward Kimo Hamili Peleiholani Post 3830 of Pahoa!  And yes, I had to pronounce that entire string multiple times throughout the evening!  The Post Quartermaster Nu Teofilo was so excited that at one point he took off his shirt, wearing only his Lava-Lava, grabbed a palm tree out of a planter and began doing a celebratory Samoan dance.  I ran for cover after the first war cry!!  The Pahoa Post is known as the hottest little post in Hawaii as it was in the path of the recent lava flows in the northern part of this island!  They also have the distinction of being the home post to the newly elected Department Commander, Deb Lewis.  Deb is a retired US Army Colonel and has the distinction of being in the first class of females to graduate from West Point. She’s going to do great things this year!

I had some free time and took a drive, where I found the West Hawai’i Veterans Cemetery.  Located on a knoll overlooking the ocean, it is a very calm and peaceful place.  As I walked among the headstones, I noted several names of Japanese origin.  Looking more closely, I saw on the markers “100 BN 442”.  Yes, these were members of the famed all Japanese American 100th Infantry Battalion/442nd Regimental Combat Team, whose motto was “Go for Broke.”  As I reflected on their service to a country that had imprisoned their families simply for being Japanese, I resolved to continue my goal of diversity within our ranks of the VFW.

Megan and I did take one evening to ourselves and went diving, more specifically a Giant Manta Ray night dive.  If you want to see us interacting with these 1,000 pound animals with wingspans up to 15 feet, check out this short video!

This is the room where we had all of our meetings and banquets.  I'm very fortunate to have been the National Representative for this convention!

My counterpart, Ms Jean Hamil, was the representative for the Auxiliary.  Jean and I will become the Auxiliary President and VFW Commander [fingers crossed] at the National convention on 3 August.

Annie and her Uke!

Newly installed State Commander Deb Lewis.  What a powerful woman and role model!

Nu Teofilo - If you see him at the national convention, do not give him an award or let him see a palm tree.  You've been warned!  :-)  Seriously though, what a great guy.  He even designed the Post shirt he's wearing

A view of the grounds at the West Hawai'i Veterans Cemetery.  So peaceful

This stamp honors the Nisei soldiers of World War II.  Serendipitously, it was issued just prior to my visit to Hawaii and the cemetery.  The image is from a photograph taken in 1944 in front a railroad station in France

A lesson from the vast lava fields of the Big Island.  No matter where you find yourself, grow and thrive!


West Virginia 100th Anniversary and Convention

We had the pleasure of attending the West Virginia Convention, held at The Resort at Glade Springs in Daniels, WV.  What a location!  Golf, archery, tennis, boating….of course I was working the whole time so I didn’t get to do any of that, but still….what a location!

Outgoing State Commander David Moske did an amazing job this year, finishing well over 100% in membership and completion of all the other requirements.  At the young age of 32, he’s already been an All American Post and District Commander and now, an All American State Commander.  I expect great things from this very dedicated, caring comrade in the future.

I was able to present many awards to deserving VFW members and that’s always a thrill. Recognition for a job well done is critical to maintaining high morale.  Our people are doing the work and need to be held up as examples of what we should be doing.  I’m very proud of the accomplishments the members of the West Virginia Contingent made this year.  And they didn’t stop either.  At the convention, they held a “shaved head” event.  Volunteers came forward, men and women, and yes, they did get their heads shaved!  The result?  Over $10,000 in donations that went to the Wounded Warriors of Potomac Highlands to fund their annual disabled veteran hunts.  This state really cares for its veterans.

I know under the leadership of the new state commander, Jeff Elkins, West Virginia will repeat it’s success of this past year.  The teamwork is clear and so is their mission:  Helping Veterans!

There was a great golf tournament one day.  Mama and I don't golf, but we were invited to take a cart and enjoy the day.  Here, Mama is wondering why State Adjutant Quartermaster Kevin [L] and outgoing State Commander David [R] are standing in the sun.

You'd think she was watching the guys on the green, but she's actually checking out the deer we saw as we drove up!

What a fantastic turnout for the 100th Anniversary banquet!

The teamwork across state lines for the VFW is amazing.  Here, on the left, is Virginia State Commander Butch.  He drove up so he could see the newly minted West Virginia Commander, Jeff Elkins, get sworn in.  These two are very close and will work well together!

Gold Star Families Memorial Monument Dedication

On the drive from the Glade Resort to the airport, we stopped at the State Capitol in Charleston WV to watch the dedication of yet another Gold Star Families Memorial.  There was a large crowd, comprised of Gold Star Families, Veterans Organizations, Military members, and passersby.  Even though the heat was a bit oppressive, no one broke away while we waited for the guest of honor to appear.

Arriving in a motorcade escort of police and various veteran riders’ groups, World War II Medal of Honor Recipient and hometown boy Woody Williams appeared.  As usual, he greeted the crowd enthusiastically, shaking hands and signing autographs along the way.  All of the main participants had to be moved to a tent as the heat in front of the monument was getting to be a bit much.  Nonetheless, the program started!  It was a particularly moving event, as the speakers and some of the Gold Star Family members shared their stories.  I was certainly moved and I’m glad we stopped in to be a part of this great event.

The Woody Williams Foundation goal is to establish these memorials in communities throughout the country.  To date, there are 86 memorials spanning all 50 states.  According to Woody, this particular memorial, sitting in a place of honor on the Capitol grounds, is the largest of all the monuments.  Since this is Woody’s home state, why shouldn’t it be!  To learn more about the Foundation, visit

After the event, Commander Elkins drove us to the airport where Mama and I continued our journey home.  This was such a peaceful way to cap off a great week with veterans in West Virginia!

A far view after the unveiling of the monument.  I didn't want to intrude on the Gold Star Families.

Woody Williams cutting up with old friends.