Thursday, October 31, 2019

National Magic Day!

The roots of this day go back over 90 years.  In the summer of 1927, less than a year after the death of Harry Houdini, a "Houdini Day" was established.  In 1938, the Society of American Magicians sought to make it an official day.  Mrs. Houdini was contacted, she gave her permission, and October 31st was proclaimed National Magic Day in honor of Harry Houdini.  

As a 25 year member of the Society of American Magicians, how could I not write about this event?  The SAM also has a Veterans Program.  I'll be writing more about partnering opportunities later.  Here's the lapel pin -- a poppy surrounded by a magic wand!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

World's Largest.....EVERYTHING!

Driving home today from the Council Meeting in Indianapolis, I saw a sign for Casey, Illinois.  Not just any sign, but a huge sign touting they had the world's largest this, that, and the other!  For a small town of about 2,700 just off Interstate 70, this quaint town has cornered the market on "largest" things.  Mama and I spent some time following the walking path around town and it was really fun seeing some of the sights.  She played "Where's Waldo" so you can get an idea of the size of these.  We didn't see them all, and we will probably go back someday to see more, but please enjoy some of the World's Largest Things from Casey!

Indiana Council of Administration Meeting

When Indiana puts on a Council meeting, they do it right!

We had meetings for several hours Friday night and all day Saturday and over 100 comrades attended.  That, in and of itself, tells a lot about the dedication of the Indiana VFW.  The District Commanders gave substantive reports and the guest speakers provided great information on relevant topics such as: The Indiana 9-11 Memorial Upgrades, a local lawyer discussing Social Security law, VA Healthcare by the Director of Northern Indiana VA, and a nice run down by Quilts of Valor.  The VFW Riders President really pumped up the crowd concerning Jesse James Dupree and the great work he does for VFW.  Jesse and his band Jackyl are playing two concerts soon in Indiana and VFW locally is heavily promoting these events.  These were just a few of the many speakers!  One speaker in particular drew a big crowd as the auxiliary also attended to learn about the new rules established by the Indiana Gaming Commission.  All in all, great business sessions!

With all that work, there was time to socialize and, in addition to many old friends, I was happy to spend time with Past Commander in Chief Bill Thien.  I was fortunate to be the Illinois State Commander during his term and lessons I learned from him have certainly helped me in this new position.  Saturday night was a costume party and, well, I'll let some of the pics below clue you in to what a good time we all had!

Friday, October 25, 2019

VA Educational Benefits Can Change LIves

You never know when you're going to touch someone's life in a big way.

At the July National Convention, fate handed me Jason C. to be my driver during the event.  Jason is a current war veteran and belongs to the local post in Orlando.  We hit it off and the more he got to see what goes on in the VFW at a national level the more he wanted to be involved.  I'm happy to say he ran for and was elected as his District Junior Vice Commander.  We talked quite a bit and I related how much I enjoy scuba diving.  Having never done it before, he asked more questions.

I told him that his GI Bill will actually pay for a person to take scuba lessons, as long as they sign up for the long haul to become an instructor  It's call the Total Immersion Program and I directed him to Sea Experience in Ft. Lauderdale.  This company is very veteran oriented and has trained many vets to become scuba instructors.  Jason signed up, got the VA on board, and recently started the program.

I got a note from Jason saying he was taking his final dives today to become Open Water Certified.  That's the first step on his road to becoming an Instructor. I'm so proud of him for deciding to make a change in his life and succeeding in it.  He's in a group of seven other vets all in the same class.

Maybe things do happen in life for a reason.  We didn't choose each other at convention, that was the luck of the draw.  But he helped me immensely when my back and legs weren't working well and I helped him learn what the VFW really is all about.  Together we talked where life was taking us.  When he learned the VA could fund a non-traditional education in the field of scuba, he jumped at the opportunity.  Here's a picture of Jason [white shirt] and his team before heading out to take their final dives at Tiger Lake today.

Yes, you just never know when that one conversation is going to change someone's life.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

VFW Partners in Patriotism

Have You Heard About the VFW’s Partners in Patriotism?

I've heard from a lot of you in my travels that you don't particularly care to get so much fundraising mail from the VFW.  Some folks tell me they get several mailings a month!  There is a way to cut down on the mail you get while continuing to support the VFW programs.  It's called Partners in Patriotism.

You choose a set dollar amount for your donation that is charged to your credit card on a monthly basis.  Once you join, you will only receive the Quarterly Supporter newsletters to keep you informed of the many efforts your donations are making possible, and a Year-End Tax Receipt mailed by the end of January.  If you are interested in joining Partners in Patriotism, contact Donor Services in the VFW Development Department at 1.833.VFW.GIVE (1.833.839.4483), or email with “Partners in Patriotism Application” in the subject line. You can also cut and paste this link into your browser:

And, before you ask, yes, MY automatic donation goes in every month!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

National "MAKE A DOG’S DAY" Day

National Make A Dog’s Day on October 22nd provides an opportunity to give all dogs the best day of their lives.   If you’re the owner of a beloved dog, take the extra time to make your dog’s day. Repay that unconditional love with creative tokens of dog-gone appreciation!

And, yes, Mama Cass is responsible for the content of this post!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Big Ten Conference - Omaha Nebraska

This meeting brings together the VFW and Auxiliary leadership of ten Midwest states that comprise the Big Ten.  I enjoyed coming in a bit early to visit Nebraska's biggest post as well as spending the day at a very nice veterans' home.  You can read about those visits in previous blogs.

For this Conference, we shared a lot of great information from the Commanders as they told us what was going on in their respective states. This is a wonderful way to learn what your peers are doing and also a way to get ideas on how to improve things in your own state.  Additionally, we received an in-depth briefing from Kevin Jones, VFW Adjutant General, on many interesting and timely topics.  I had the opportunity to speak to the Conference and provide some insights into what I was seeing in my travels as well as [hopefully] providing some guidance to move things forward in the VFW.  A highlight of the meeting was seeing so many first-timers to the annual Conference!  I recognized that with a coin and personal congratulations.

I was quite happy to see the newer veterans in leadership positions asking questions and taking an active role in the conference.  The organization belongs to every member and we should never go down the road of "group think" just because it makes the meeting go faster.  I anticipate more discussion in our future meetings and that is a great feeling.  I offer my best wishes to the members who announced their candidacy to be the next Junior Vice out of the Big Ten.  And to those who may be announcing in the future, you have my best wishes too!  Competition brings out the best in people and is the best for the VFW.

Conference Banquet - What a great crowd!

Avenue of Flags outside Offutt AFB

Downtown has some amazing bronze statutes of settlers, Native Americans and buffalo...Lots of buffalo!

Friday, October 18, 2019

Eastern Nebraska Veterans' Home Visit

Nebraska State Commander Joe kept my itinerary filled this weekend.  Today we visited the Eastern Nebraska Veterans' Home.  Administrator David Williamson and Sara R gave me an in-depth tour and this home in a word is amazing!  It's twelve years old and houses about 120 veterans in several different levels of care.  This Home is so popular there is a four year waiting list to get in.  That's a sad reality of veterans' homes all across the country:  Demand is high and capacity is low.  All the more reason for us to continue our efforts at the local, state, and federal levels to increase funding so these deserving vets can get the care they need.

After the briefing and tours, several of the state commanders attending the Big Ten Conference showed up and assisted Commander Joe's Post members in a hamburger and bratwurst cookout.  Preparing food and serving approximately 50 veterans was an experience these State Commanders won't soon forget.

What we all enjoyed the most was talking to the veterans after their meal.  The Recreation Aide in charge of this event told us that usually the vets eat and go back to their rooms.  This time, almost all of them stayed until we had to leave to attend a Big Ten event later this evening.  They thanked us more than we thanked them and it was a wonderful experience for all involved.

The big highlight for me was being able to spend time with a Navy WWII veteran, Mr Leo.
At 102 years old. Leo is as sharp as a tack and is a member of Commander Joe's post, Bellevue 2280.
Leo entered the Navy early and his first assignment was on a new destroyer that had not even left the shipyard.  He began the war on it and was still a crew member at the end of WWII when the ship was sold for scrap.  Leo recounted some highlights of his time in the Navy and at the top of his list was the sinking of a German submarine.  They also engaged "3 or 4" more during his service.

I gave Leo one of my Commander's Coins and the look on his face says it all.  I am so grateful to go to events like this and do the work of the VFW on a daily basis.  Simply put, we are veterans serving veterans!

Mr. Leo

Several Big Ten State Commanders

Chatting after our meal

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Largest Post in Nebraska, Benson Post 2503!

Located in Omaha, Nebraska, this post was mustered in 29 April 1932 and has just under 1000 members.  They are actively working toward regaining and surpassing the 1000 mark, and added two new members tonight.  The outside is immaculate and you are greeted by Gold and Blue Star flags and a statue of a soldier.  Once inside, there is no mistaking this is a VFW Post.  The memorabilia on the walls throughout tell a military story and you can feel that this Post is more than a building:  It's a Pocket of Patriotism!

The meeting room looks great and it was a pleasure to see all of the stations set up and traditions followed as they worked through the business meeting.  The reports were informative and to the point and there was no meandering about frivolous matters.  These Post members know how to hold a meeting!

I was particularly impressed with Al as he talked about the Veterans Court Program he works.  They do it right here and their Veterans Court graduates are rewarded for their hard work and dedication to the program.  I was happy to provide my Junior Vice CIC Coin to Al for his hard work and also to Commander Mike for all he does at the helm of this Post.

These comrades care about their community and it shows.  I had a great time afterward talking with them the meeting. Thank you for letting me be a part of your evening!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Help a Hero Scholarship

It's that time of year again....time to be a Veteran's hero at Sport Clips!

Between October 14 and November 11, Sport Clips is raising money for the Help a Hero Scholarship program administered by the VFW.  To date, over 1400 scholarships in excess of $6.5 Million have been awarded to veterans to further their education.

Mama Cass and I just got back from our favorite Sport Clips location.  I got an MVP haircut and Mama scored a "Sport Clips Help a Hero" bandanna.  While we were there, we donated to the fundraiser in the name of our stylist.  The employee with the most donations at the end of this fundraising drive gets a pie in the face.  Marlana had mixed emotions:  She was happy to get the donation in her name but not so sure she wants to get the pie!

We also distributed Commander in Chief Doc's pins to the stylists and customers alike.  This fundraiser is a joint effort so go out and get your haircut this month and Help a Hero!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Junior Vice Commander's Conference

What a great weekend!

Thursday to Sunday over 100 State Juniors and Quartermasters attended many lectures and briefings designed to bring them up to speed with the most recent developments as well as prepare them for the future as they move up the chairs.  There was not a wasted minute as we all kept very busy learning what each Department does.  Even when we weren't in the business sessions, the atmosphere of learning and sharing was present during our meals, breaks, and evening get-togethers.  I'm sure this information is going to be passed on to others in the days and weeks ahead.

I think I can speak for most of us that the keynote address by Bob McDonald, former Secretary of Veterans Affairs and CEO of The Procter & Gamble Company was in a word OUTSTANDING!  He spoke for two hours about Values Based Leadership and the time passed without us even knowing it.  Bob is a riveting speaker and distills the essence of being a leader in simple, hard hitting points.  If we can implement even a fraction of his message we will all become better leaders in the future.  Bob is an unassuming man [Please, call me Bob] but his words speak volumes.

Another highlight this weekend was the visit to the VFW National Headquarters.  The team broke into small groups and visited every office and section, receiving briefs on what gets done where, and most importantly, meeting the people who work in those areas.  Always remember, HQ is just a's the PEOPLE in the HQ that make the organization run on a daily basis.  Even the Adjutant General hosted teams in his office letting them know what he did on a daily basis and what his vision for the future was.  If you have never visited YOUR National Headquarters, and you find yourself in Kansas City, stop in and take a tour.  You will be welcomed with open arms!

On a personal note, I enjoyed the opportunity to get to know more members of our Junior team and to share a little bit of my vision for us and the VFW in the future.  The networking opportunities we had this weekend are going to pay great dividends for our group well into the future.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

South Dakota Council of Administration Meeting

It takes a while to get there, but once you crest that hill by the Dignity Statue [see earlier post] and view the majestic Missouri River in the valley, you know that Oacoma SD is a special place.  It was even more special as I attended not only the Council meeting but also the joint Commander and President Homecoming Celebration this past weekend.

To say that the SD VFW and the Auxiliary work together would be an understatement.  They live to help veterans and there is no artificial line drawn between the two entities.  Commander Sean and President Sandi even have a joint special project, one that is also near to my heart, namely suicide prevention and awareness.  Commander Sean is so highly regarded in his state that he was recently appointed to the Governor's Task Force on Suicide Prevention...a very special honor indeed!

South Dakota VFW recognizes it has a unique geography that makes travel expensive and difficult.  To that end they have purchased laptop computers for the line officers and District Commanders to make life easier.  They have not only invested the dollars, but they invest the time and effort in training the users from the very basics to navigating the National Dashboard to using Skype for meetings.  How many states can say they have a Commander deployed to Poland and she can still chair a meeting in South Dakota?

I had the pleasure of handing out an All American Award to the Junior Vice of the State, who will track me through the Chairs.  Afterward it was a distinct privilege to present Commander Sean not only with his Commission of Office but also a Certificate of Special Recognition signed by our Commander in Chief, Doc Schmitz.  As a token of appreciation, South Dakota presented me with a beautiful plaque with an ironwood eagle carving.  I will cherish this very much!

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Mama Cass and Delta

This dog.

We checked in at the Sioux Falls Airport Delta counter and the nice woman liked Mama a lot.  We ended up seeing lots of her dog pictures too.  She invited Mama on the scale so she and other Delta folks could pet her.  I think if they could have confiscated her and kept her as a mascot they would have.  And, yes, the scale shows 80 pounds.  I think all airport scales are a few pounds too heavy!

Before anyone gets upset about people petting the Service Dog, let me say that it's all about time and place.  No one was around and I was comfortable with it.

There were no people waiting in line behind us, so we didn't inconvenience anyone.  But the folks walking by did get a lot of priceless pictures!  Thank you Delta for being so friendly and customer oriented!

"Dignity" in South Dakota

Traveling to the airport from my South Dakota trip [more on that in another post] we pulled off the interstate and drove to the top of a hill to view a most breathtaking statue entitled "Dignity".  It stands on top of a bluff overlooking the Missouri River and Chamberlain, SD.

Dignity, also known as Dignity of Earth & Sky, is stainless steel, 50 feet tall, 16 feet deep, and 32 feet wide.  It was erected in 2016 to honor the Lakota and Dakota Native Americans.  The star quilt being held by the woman has over 100 blue diamond shapes in it and they move in the wind. 

I've driven by the statue several times in my travels but this was the first time I was able to stop and view it up close.  The crystal clear blue sky provided a dramatic backing and I was really drawn into the statue.  I could have spent a lot more time there just taking it in, but airlines don't wait for sightseers and we had to press on.

If you ever find yourself traveling on Interstate 90 in South Dakota, take the time to visit this statue.  You will not regret it!

Friday, October 4, 2019

"I go out and beat the bushes"

I’m sitting in Minneapolis Airport, waiting to head to Sioux Falls, then a three hour drive to Oacoma South Dakota for their Homecoming and Council of Administration meeting.  Perfect time to let you know about an amazing person and recruiter from Post 3285 in Frederick, Maryland.  I was looking at Membership Statistics and saw the nation’s top TWO recruiters were from the same post and between them had over 210 new recruits.  So I reached out to find the secret to success.  Comrade Joseph A. got back to me and here are some highlights of how he does it.

It’s not so much where he goes [he does spend a lot of time in military recruiting offices] but what he does before he gets there.  Joe spends about 5 hours a week just making sure he presents a positive image.  That means his clothes are cleaned and pressed and his shoes are polished.  He always wears VFW logo polos or long sleeve shirts with “Commander” and his Post and City stitched on them.  He always wears his VFW cover, either his Century Recruiter hat [he has done this before!] or his All American hat.  He doesn’t put a lot of pins on the caps, only his Eagle, Globe, and Anchor or Army emblem.  Did I forget to mention that Joe is 72, and a veteran of Korea AND Viet Nam?

He carries a VFW logo bag with all the recruiting materials he needs, along with pins, pamphlets, coins and other hand outs with of course his name and Post information.  And he takes that bag with him wherever he goes so he is always ready to talk VFW.  After he recruits someone, he makes return calls and visits with them to know he cares about them.  He believes that building relationships is the way to retain members.

In his “free” time, Joe still works as a contractor, referees football, softball, and baseball games, and is active in his church. He also does magic shows so I’m looking forward to swapping trade secrets with him when we meet!

Joe was quick to mention the other fellow he recruits with, who makes up the other part of the 210 recruits they have amassed.  Hugh W. makes rounds at local Reserve and Guard units on a regular basis.   Together they make an awesome team, and all of us can learn something from them.

Know what you’re talking about. Dress for success.  Be positive.  And, in Joe’s words, “Go out and beat the bushes.”

Here's a link to their Post.  It's the least I can do for them!

Thursday, October 3, 2019


Hi all!  It's Mea Culpa time for me and I do apologize.

Yesterday I wrote an article about the World War I Memorial and meeting Ms. Susan Davis.  She sent me the link I provided to you but I wasn't aware it was protected.  It worked fine for me so I figured it would work for all of you.  And that's where I went wrong.  If you tried to access the link, you got a bunch of "protect mimecast" stuff and it just wouldn't work.

Here's a working link for the video.  I hope you enjoy it.  Again, I apologize for any inconvenience or four letter words that came about because of my error!  I'm sending a big THANK YOU to Jason H. at National HQ for tracking this down and coming up with the solution.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

World War I Memorial - Centennial Project

Recently I was flying home from Washington DC and my seatmate asked about Mama, who was curled up on the floor.  As we talked, she learned I was with the VFW and we talked about women in the VFW.  It was then we learned we knew an important woman in the VFW, Debra Anderson Quartermaster General, in common.

Ms Susan Davis is the Chairman of Susan Davis International, one of the largest public relations and business events agencies in the United States.  She worked with Debra and others on the World War One Centennial Commission.  That Commission, as many of you know, is also responsible for the proposed World War I Memorial that will eventually be built in Pershing Park, Washington DC.

The Memorial itself is about 60 feet long, with multiple panels showing a man going off to war, events in the war, his coming home, and the aftermath.  If you've been to National Convention in the last year or two you may have seen a mock up of the sculpture, entitled "The Weight of Sacrifice."  Ms Davis graciously sent me a link to a great video that talks with the sculptor, Sabin Howard, goes into the events of World War I, and interviews various public figures.  The discussion with the sculptor really brings out what he attempted to do in each panel.  Following the interviews there is a live action diorama of each panel, using actors in period costumes, with the narrator going over the scenes.  It is very moving and I encourage you to watch it, but, fair warning, you may need the Kleenex.  The video ends with speakers and singers, and is from an event called "Living Memorial:  A Special Introduction."

You never know who you will meet randomly on an airplane.  I'm so glad I was able to meet and get to know Ms Davis.  I know we will collaborate in the future.  Thank you Ms Davis for sending this great video for all of us to see!   

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

America - So Beautiful!

While I was in Kansas City enjoying the storms and hail, Megan was in Jackson, Wyoming on a photo shoot.  Some of the pictures I've seen so far remind me that this is an amazingly beautiful country!  Too often in the news all we see is turmoil and strife in the concrete jungle.  We never seem to get a good visual on the serenity and grandeur of our land.

This photo was taken at 0500 in Grand Teton National Park, as the sun was coming up by Mount Moran.  Take a moment, take a look, and enjoy America!