Wednesday, August 18, 2021


 I thought I'd be able to catch some sleep and re-group after this past week, but, there is no rest for the weary!

With the increased use of platforms like zoom, meetings can be called at any time pulling in participants from all over the globe.  Monday I had several zooms with staff and some VFW Departments.  Then, I started a three day zoom-fest with the Department Commanders, Class 122, for the 2021-2022 year.

Mindful of the various time zones, Monday's zoom was from 1700-1900 Central.  Tuesday started at 1900 and went to 2100.  Tonight, Wednesday, I'm hosting the final iteration of this three part meeting.  It starts at 2100 and goes to 2300. I'm passing along the same information at each meeting, but the discussion afterward is where we all really get to learn from each other.

Truly, technology is making us a better Class.  We are sharing what works, what doesn't work, and everything in between.  It can only make us all better.  Never before has this type of information sharing been done between Department Commanders on a continuous, scheduled basis.  So proud of the Commanders of Class 122!

I still owe you all a final Sturgis close out. I think you will really like it.  I'll get to that soon!  Stay tuned!

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