Tuesday, August 17, 2021

A visit to Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota

I didn't spend all of my time in South Dakota at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally!  I was able to tour and meet the great folks at Ellsworth for an entire day.  It was hot and dusty, but I enjoyed every minute of it.

Being a former AF Security Policeman, I wanted to visit the 28th Security Forces Squadron, assigned to the Global Strike Command.  There is an affinity that never leaves you once you have worn the Blue Beret.  I also visited with some of the aircrew that fly the vaunted B-1 Bomber and others.

I have to say, and may be a bit biased, but the SF troops I encountered were sharp, eager and ready to serve.  SrA Lamere was our guide and he was top notch.  He volunteers for many assignments and is constantly pushing himself to know more about the career field.  Impressive young man!  The SF facility that was most touching was a new gym they installed.  All along the walls were pictures of their fallen comrades from Iraq and Afghanistan.  They serve as motivators to give that one last push, that one last weight lift, that extra mile.  These Defenders know what their comrades sacrificed and they are dedicated to being the best they can be when they are sent off to fight.

I received the obligatory weapons inspection.  I realized how old I was when it once again dawned on me that I fought my war in the last century with weapons that couldn't hold a candle to what I was seeing in front of me.  They graciously allowed me to use their electronic firearms system.  WOW! The technology puts you right into things with the surround sound and surround screens.  I asked for something simple like moving plates, shoot the bad guy etc and DID NOT HIT A THING!  Then we realized the weapon was not electronically sighted in for me.  After doing that, I ran the course and scored better than anyone in the room expected.  Some skills you don't lose.

Next, off to the Military Working Dog facility where SSgt Wong did a tremendous job of explaining the daily regimen of the dogs and handlers.  He took MWD Lazer out and ran the course off leash as well as placed an Airman in the jacket.  Lazer really enjoys running down and putting the bite on the bad guys.  They had to play "Rock, Paper, Rank" to determine who was going to put that suit on in the extremely hot day to get eaten by Lazer!  The Paul Harvey?  When SSgt Wong was deployed Lazer was his dog.  They had to part ways when SSgt Wong came back and now a year or so later, they have been reunited.  He really loves that dog!  On a solemn note, in the working area they have a walkway with granite stones memorializing all of the Military Working Dogs the Squadron has lost in the recent wars.  They are also America's finest and they gave their all for freedom too.

Off to the flightline where JAMM and STAG gave me an outside tour of the B-1 Bomber.  We were going to go inside, but apparently it was Friday afternoon and there were no stairs to be seen.  It must have been tee time.  Still, we got to see the underside, stand in the shade, and talk about how awesome this airframe is.  These two have many hundreds of hours in the B-1 Lancer and would fly more if they could.  They talked about leadership, taking care of the team, and their love of the Air Force.  They proudly trace their heritage back to the Doolittle Raiders and they want to do their namesakes proud.

Second Lieutenant Berry joined us on the flightline.  She's been in the Air Force one year, since her graduation from the Air Force Academy.  She leads the maintainers and is so proud of her crews. Not once did she say anything about herself!  It was all about the people.  Her leadership style is commendable .  She ensures her maintainers know that without the job they do, the pilots can't do their job of bombs on target to project America's Air Power across the globe.

Being with the members of the 28th all day has reinforced my belief that we truly have the best and brightest in America's Armed Forces!

The Memorial Path of Fallen Military Working Dogs of the 28th SFS

The modern tools of the trade

Sighting in [finally] the M18 Sig Sauer.  Beautiful workmanship!  Far exceeds the Colt 1911A1, Smith & Wesson Combat Masterpiece, and Beretta I carried a LONG time ago.

Lazer, SSgt Wong, South Dakota State Commander.  Photo ops are good!

Jamm and Stag showing off their Heritage Room.  Every new pilot who comes in here has to take off their name badge and replace it with a name badge of an original Doolittle Raider.  They are expected to know everything about that person!!

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