Friday, October 9, 2020

Recent Visit to VFW Headquarters

 On my drive back from a great event and visit with the Nebraska VFW and Auxiliary a few days ago, I stopped in Kansas City to spend a few days at the National Headquarters for some meetings and such.  As I was driving through KC anyway, I reminded myself that it is always best to maximize your efforts whenever you can.

I attended the usual zoom meetings we have every week but more importantly I was able to have face to face meetings with many of the hard working folks at HQ.  Zoom is a good tool but it will never replace the synergy you get with good old fashioned in person meetings.  And, before you ask, yes we all wore masks and kept our spacing!  Additionally, Chief Hal and Junior Vice Tim were also in town so we were able to work on many of the upcoming issues facing the organization.

One fun thing was being able to go to the roof of the VFW Building!  The huge VFW sign is even bigger when you are standing next to it.  The 360 degree view of Kansas City is breath-taking to say the least.  When the meetings were over it was time to get back in the car and finally head home.  It was a long trip. When I pulled into my driveway the car log was showing just over 23 hours of drive time.  But it's all worth it!  I love my job because No One Does More For Veterans!

Couldn't resist a selfie on the roof!

"I'm ready for my close-up Mr DeMille!"

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