Saturday, October 3, 2020

Nebraska VFW Council of Administration

Mama Cass and I drove to North Platte, Nebraska for the State VFW and Auxiliary Joint Homecoming and Council of Administration meeting.  Such a pleasant, although very long drive, but it’s always nice to see the great Midwest unfold in front of us as we move down the highway.

The Homecoming and Dinner in honor of State Commander Danny Kramer and State President Bonnie Gerlt was a fun event and there was such an outpouring of well-wishers!  Danny and Bonnie are truly blessed to be leading their respective units this year.  Among others, I gave a few remarks but the spotlight really was on the two of them and rightfully so!  The meetings were informative and this core cadre of Nebraskans showed me they are engaged and doing the right things for veterans. 

I had some spare time so I was able to do some sight-seeing and this town does have some interesting things to offer.  I visited the amazing 20th Century Veterans Memorial.  So much going on that I had to go back again to read all of the great information and see the statues.  Also, unbeknownst to me, North Platte is a big Buffalo Bill Cody attraction.  I knew a little bit about him, but nowhere near the information I read at several locations.  Pony Express rider in 1860; Union Army scout in the Civil War and later for the 5th Cavalry and battles against the Sioux from 1868 to 1890; Stage coach driver throughout Nebraska; and of course originator of the "Wild West Show" on his ranch right here in North Platte.

Overall, a fun and informative weekend.  Tomorrow, I’m headed back with a stop at VFW Headquarters in Kansas City for a few days and then home.  It’s good to be back in the field visiting with the great people who make up the VFW and the Auxiliary!

"Defenders of Freedom"

Archway to the Memorial

A truly impressive relief.  Inside the ring of benches is a HUGE monument, with each side telling the story of the branches of service

I found State Commander Dan's brick at the Memorial!

This statue and a massive granite marker nearby is in memory of SIX MILLION service members who were served at "the world famous World War II North Platte Canteen from December 25, 1941 to April 1, 1946."  The close up of the basket has some items that would have been handed out....note the cigarette packs dated 1941 and 1946!

Everything you could possibly want and nothing you would ever need!  There was an interesting diorama of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show.  Even at the small scale, it was a sight to behold.  I can only imagine what people in attendance thought at the time.  And, yes, the soldiers in the pic are wearing masks and social spacing!

     "Scout's Rest" was built for Buffalo Bill in 1886, so he could relax between shows tours.  Built at a cost of $3,900....that equates to about $115,000 today!

Mama and I saw this unique item while driving on West Riverside.  She encouraged me to drive faster!

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