Sunday, December 22, 2019

Unmet Needs, Jesse James Dupree and Jackyl

As you know from previous posts, VFW has partnered with Jesse James Dupree to be a social media influencer for our Unmet Needs Program.  Part of that has been in conjunction with his band Jackyl, where his signature song involves "playing" a chainsaw.  VFW-Jackyl logo chainsaws have been raffled all over the country at Jesse's events and our local posts and Departments have been instrumental [so to speak!] in raising funds.

Last night, the final concert of the tour took place in Kansas City, Missouri.  Several local posts raised money for this specific event with the chainsaw raffle and a local Harley-Davidson dealership also got involved and gave away a Harley-Davidson motorcycle at the concert.  Senior Vice Commander in Chief Hal and I were in town for meetings at VFW HQ, so we attended the concert and presented a check on behalf of the local posts.  In total, the combined concert chainsaw campaign netted almost $30,000 for Unmet Needs!

We were fortunate to have backstage passes for the concert and watched from the wings.  We had a ball with Jesse, Sam, JD, and all the folks that make these things happen. Local radio host Johnny Dare fell for Mama and made her a focal point when we were on stage.  For some reason, she opens doors!  David Ball of Harry's Liquors was so moved by all of this that he pledged $10,000 to Unmet Needs!  Thank you David!!!

The concert program and the Sturgis event are only two of the projects we've got going with Jesse to raise awareness.  His energy is boundless and he really believes in the VFW and what we do for veterans.  I'm very proud of this relationship and it is going to pay dividends for all as we move forward!  If you want to support Unmet Needs, feel free to text "NEEDS' to 20222 and a $5 donation will be made to the program.  And, of course, check out his line of Jesse James Outlaw Bourbon....I was introduced to the Honey Bourbon tonight and I'll just say it is something  you will really like!