Wednesday, December 25, 2019


We live in a multicultural world that is more aware now than ever.  Maybe that’s why “Happy Holidays” came about so we didn’t have to learn and remember all of the things that are different from us.  Ok, yes, and maybe to avoid offending someone who didn’t have the same belief system you do.

Here’s a short list, not all inclusive, of just a few events that all happen in December, and are based on different perspectives:  Saint Nicholas Day, Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Lucia Day, Hanukkah, Christmas, Three Kings Day, Kwanzaa, Omisoka, and Saturnalia.  Whew!

Happy Holidays doesn’t offend me if I hear it nor do any other greetings.  They all convey a message of good will and love.  If I say Merry Christmas to someone, I’m not trying to impose my ideas of what the “right” thing to celebrate is or isn’t.  If you tell me “Happy Hanukkah!”  I’ll probably return the same words to you, and mean it.

Life’s too short to get caught up in our personal stovepipes.  Especially at this time of year, let’s remember we are all global brothers and sisters.  From me to all of you:  PEACE