Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Sport Clips Help A Hero 200 at Darlington!

From my outstanding Dream Flight Saturday morning we headed over to the fabled Darlington Racetrack as guests of Gordon Logan, Founder and CEO of Sport Clips.  The partnership between the VFW and Sport Clips goes back more than a few years and they are the driving force behind the Sports Clips – VFW Help a Hero Scholarship!  Every semester we award scholarships to service members and veterans, up to $5,000 each, to continue their education.  Quickly approaching the $10 Million dollar plateau we have helped over 2,000 people in their educational pursuits.  All of this money comes from the generous donations of Mr Logan at Corporate but also from their many franchisees and owners who every year hold fund-raising efforts to help our military members.  Mr. Logan is an Air Force Vietnam veteran and his heart is clearly with the VFW as we continue our mission to ensure No One Does More For Veterans!  I’m proud to serve on the VFW Foundation Board of Directors along with Mr. Logan.  He’s full of ideas on what’s best for the organization and was the driving force to get VFW in lockstep with Darryl Fisher and Dream Flights.  It’s all about people and relationships and he is oh so good at it!  You’ve never met a more modest man who will give you anything you need if it’s going to help someone.  If you aren’t getting a famous MVP haircut at any one of the MANY Sport Clips locations across the country, I suggest you look them up for the best haircut experience you will ever have!  Even Mama Cass enjoys going to our local location and they treat her even better than they treat me!  Go to a Sport Clips, get an MVP, and while you’re there, support the Sport Clips Help a Hero Scholarship fund!

Gordon was the consummate host and we were located with him and the Sport Clips team in a prime location on the infield, near turn 2.  When I say near, well, it was just a simple chain link fence and a few feet separating me from the track!  There were tents and tables, as well as a wonderful spread of food and beverages in the massive trailer the entire weekend.  Golf carts shuttled us to Pit Row whenever we wanted to get really near the action.  They also took us out to the Midway outside the track where the VFW had a joint North Carolina and South Carolina recruiting team set up.  In a day and a half these great workers recruited almost 100 new members and raised awareness of what the VFW does on a daily basis.  Strong work team and I’m so glad I was able to work out there with you on both days!

And, of course, there was work for me at this event.  I did radio interviews, met a lot of people, and in general did my thing as the Commander-in-Chief of the greatest combat veterans organization in the world.  It was a “be seen” weekend and I could not have done it without the great assistance of Lynn Rolf and Corey Hunt from our National Headquarters.  They ensured I was where I needed to be at the right time with the right information.  Everything I do is a team effort friends; I could not do this without the yeoman work of our professional staff.  We also got to spend a lot of time together talking about how to make the VFW a better place for veterans, service members, and their families.  It’s this one on one time that pays great dividends because everyone has an idea or two that just might lead to great things.

A lot of photos and videos are already floating around the internet about this great Sport Clips Help a Hero 200 weekend, but I do have to add some here.  Yes, I did get to say those famous words:  Drivers, Start Your Engines!  And, yes, I was a bit nervous standing, by myself, in front of all those many thousands of great Americans in the stands.  The Track Announcer gave me some great advice to make this memorable and after all of the driver introductions, etc, I said to myself, “The Time Is Now!” and did my thing.  Here’s a clip, courtesy of Matt Claussen, who recorded it from the television.  Judging from the final words of the broadcaster, I’m going to say Mission Accomplished!

Tv announcement

For a different perspective, Lynn captured the same action with me facing the announcer and the stands: 

Track side announcement

While the Sport Clips car didn’t win the Sport Clips Help A Hero 200 race Saturday because of an unfortunate incident [after leading almost the entire time], it was still a thrilling day to be part of this. We came back for two races on Sunday and the Sport Clips hospitality seemed to double!  And, again, I got to do things on behalf of all the members of the VFW, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you for allowing me the honor to represent you.  Mr Logan believes in the VFW.  He and his entire team ensured we had the best time and we certainly cemented our relationship for many years to come simply by deepening our friendships.  We’re in the people business!

Once again, thank you Mr Logan and the entire Sport Clips team!  Check them out, get an MVP haircut, and donate to the Help A Hero Scholarship at #SportClips @SportClips

Lynn Rolf, VFW Director of Programs, and yours truly in the Pit Booth on the edge of the track.

Gordon giving me the finer points of the Pit hearing protection as the race had not yet started!

Absolutely loved the patriotic outfit of the Track Announcer...and his advice was perfect!  He was so excited for me.

Sunday evening at the Sport Clips infield location.  It was high end and so were all of the races!

A view from the top of the Sport Clips trailer.  We really were close to the track.

The first of several radio interviews with Gordon

In the track announcer's booth waiting to go on the air

Yeah, it was a cool moment to be on that track....

Assisting with the presentation of the Sport Clips Help a Hero 200 Trophy!  Too bad we didn't win it, but in life, things happen.

In the winner's circle...Mr Logan sure did make me feel like a winner out there!

Sitting in the Pit cannot imagine the speed of things happening on this track!  There's no way I could even get my seat belt off in the time they change four tires and fill the gas tank.

"The Fallen 13" memorial and seating area put together by North and South Carolina at the Membership booth on the Midway outside the track.  To the right are several pop up tents where information was handed out and memberships were taken!  This was an inviting and inspiring impromptu set up and the crowd loved it.

A nicer view of the memorial

Gordon Logan, CEO and Founder of Sport Clips and his favorite VFW dog...Mama Cass!

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