Thursday, August 12, 2021

Sturgis Bike Rally - Day 4! The Full Throttle Saloon!

 I spent the whole day [0730- 2300] at Pappy Hoel Campground and the Full Throttle Saloon, run by our good friend Jesse James Dupree!  It was media day so I had a great time talking up the VFW and our Unmet Needs program.

Big shout out to Tom Kief of WIIL Rock Radio who is really pushing the donations to Unmet Needs with his listeners.   Jeff at 94.1 The Point in Little Rock Arkansas kept things moving and even had a listener back in Arkansas contact him to say he loved the interview!  Humbled and happy to spread the word my friends!  I spent a lot of time talking to great people enjoying the day but I also got to visit the vendors and sponsors.  Everyone is so excited to help veterans.  It was such a positive day!  It's late right now but I'm still smiling!

I spent a good deal of time at the VFW tent, along with two outstanding national recruiters.  They are doing a bang up job and I am so impressed with their people skills.  Yes, we are in the people business and they get it!  I wasn't getting in the way of recruiting, but I enjoyed talking to all of the veterans that came up and talked to us.  Several related a bad experience or two with the VFW in past, but after spending time with them and letting them know about the GREAT things we do for veterans, service members, and their families, they could not wait to re-join the ranks of the members of the greatest combat veterans organization in the world!  I love this!

And, since this is Harley Davidson Mecca, I can't forget about the renewal of friendships with the great folks of many Harley Davidson Dealerships around the country.  I've met them at different venues and seeing them again is like old home week.  I didn't get pics of all the Harley folks yet, but I'll get them to you soon.  It's great to meet people so high up and yet so down to earth. 

I finished up the night by watching Jesse and his band Dixie Inc on the big stage at the Full Throttle Saloon.  Being backstage and watching is a bit different, but still so much fun.  Coming off the stage, I got a big hug from Jesse.  Friendship is an amazing thing!

And now, some pics of folks I met and other things I did today.  It's late and I'll get you more tomorrow.  Time for bed now because Day 5 is going to be the Best Day Ever!  Enjoy!

EVERYONE coming to the Full Throttle Saloon goes into the General Store of the Pappy Hoel Campground.  And the VFW is proudly on display and our booth is right at the door.

Discussing the VFW Unmet Needs program with Tom Kief of WIIL Rock Radio!  They raise so much money and awareness of this great program

Jeff at 94.1 The Point talking about what it means to be a veteran and how to help veterans.  Terrific Guy!

Two stellar recruiters at Pappy Hoel:  Tim Woods of NC and Steve Franklin of AZ

The Chief of Security of this whole event!  "Senior" also happens to be a retired Chief Master Sergeant from the Air Force in my old career field, Security Forces.  It was fun swapping challenge coins with him!

It was a beautiful day at the pool so we held an impromptu raffle for a genuine KA-Bar fighting knife.  We raised a ton of money for Unmet Needs because folks here love veterans.  The really happy winners were Rich and Mary from Wisconsin!

A pleasure meeting John, who has been around a while!  He served with the 101st Airborne Division "a while back".  All The Way!

Sunset over the Full Throttle Saloon.  Wildfires are bad, but you can't deny it's a beautiful view....

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