Friday, August 27, 2021

Downtime in Tennessee

 I had a few days without assignment this week so I took a new friend up on his offer to go diving in the middle of Tennessee.  VFW State Chaplain Andrew Farrer and I became FB friends a while back and I learned he is in training to become a SCUBA Divemaster.  One thing lead to another and I planned a trip to Murfreesboro to dive at Martha's Quarry, near Mount Juliet, TN.

After a long drive down, I had dinner with Andrew, State Commander Brian Walker, and a few other people.  It was a nice evening and I learned that Brian has been working hard on the devastating flooding that has hit Tennessee over the past few days.  He is an outstanding leader and coordinator and has all of his state's resources in motion to help those in need.

The next day Andrew and I headed to the quarry where we met his instructor, Dan McIntyre, who also owns Scuba Shack in Nashville.  Dan's a Life Member of the VFW too!  If you're in the Nashville area and want to learn to dive, check out Scuba Shack at  You won't be disappointed.  Martha's Quarry is a diamond in the rough but there was a lot to see.  The three of us clocked in two separate hour long dives and this quarry has a lot to show for itself.  The visibility was 15-20 feet, lots of fish, old mining equipment and boats!  Lots and lots of sunken boats.  It was a welcome break from the hectic pace I've had since being elected and I needed it.  

We had to leave without getting in more bubble time as VFW Post 1970 in West Nashville was waiting for us to visit.  Post 1970 is the Home Post of Past National Commander in Chief John Furgess. He told the story how he joined the Post when he returned home from 1970!  The Post is also featured in Teddy Robb's hit single "Heaven on Dirt".  Trust me, this post exudes Veteran, family, and camaraderie.  It's a fitting tribute to Teddy's song!  Post Commander John Lambert is rightfully proud of this Post and they do great things for their community.

We had a nice dinner and I enjoyed just talking to the members and having an easy night without any pomp and circumstance.  It's good to get off the "celebrity" track now and then and be a member of the greatest combat veterans organization in the world.  I did meet one very motivated and interesting person, Jason Johnson, founder and CEO of Project K9 Hero.  He saves Military Working Dogs at the end of their careers and provides medical care, comfort and even homes for these dogs who have given so much in defense of our country.  I URGE you all to check him out at  You will not be disappointed.  I look forward to speaking more with him.  I met several other interesting entrepreneurs but sadly did not get their information to write about them in this installment.  State Commander Brian is getting that for me.

I didn't get many pics this time either as I was more interested in relaxing than documenting.  Mea culpa friends!

State Chaplain Andrew [and Divemaster Candidate] taking a selfie before we hit the water.  Thank goodness for the Scuba Shack sunshade.  The heat was brutal!

A very serene Martha's Quarry.  With water temps in the mid 80s we had to go deep more than a few times to cool off!

One of the nice halls at Post 1970.  The Eagle painting on the back wall was made by an auxiliary member

The outside of Post 1970 SCREAMS America!  I love it!

Warren and his service dog Warrior at Post 1970

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