Monday, October 19, 2020

Zooming into VFW District 3, Windham New York

 Had a fun time Sunday zooming into a District meeting at beautiful Post 1545 in Windham New York.

With COVID-19 curtailing my real travels, I've had the opportunity to reach out to Posts and Districts to attend their gatherings, and the comrades have taken me up on my offer.  This meeting's Department Representative was my counterpart at the State level, Senior Vice Commander Michael Hoag.  Also on the zoom call was the New York State Adjutant Hal Burke---and yes he asked how Mama was doing and if she needed more treats!  [Mama thanks you Hal!]

Before the meeting, Commander Marc Farmilette told me about his Post and what a fascinating history!  It was built as a grist mill in 1800!  The Post purchased the building in 1928 and paid it off in 1957.  Talk about longevity!  They don't have a bar and they concentrate on community events and activities.  They truly are doing the right thing and I'm proud of them.  As for the District meeting, it was nice to see a nice mix of older and younger veterans but even nicer to see that everyone was engaged in the discussions.  Everyone had a chance to talk, wisdom and guidance were dispensed, and everyone was motivated to move forward and continue working for veterans.

Instead of the usual zoom screen capture, here's a nice pic of the Post, after a function a few years back.  At the time, State Senior Vice Hoag [on the right] was the District Commander and the other three in the shot are World War II veterans.  The fun fact here?  The shorter fellow is Commander Marc's father-in-law.  He joined the VFW in the 1940's and was in attendance at the meeting on Sunday.  He's 96!  If he can make it to a meeting, I think we can all work on our attendance.  Remember, it's on the local level where the rubber meets the's up to us to let the public know we are still a force in the community.

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