Upon entering, I was greeted and asked why I was there. After saying I had an appointment, I was directed to another station to wash my hands, then moved to a technician in full PPE. She took my temp and asked the usual COVID Questions, then verified where I was to go. I received a yellow wrist band and was on my way.
The waiting room in neurosurgery still had all the chairs, but I was really surprised to see the efforts they took to ensure proper spacing. The chairs all had these coverings on them. All of the employees were their usual chipper selves and morale was high. Maybe that had to do with the fact they had a lot fewer patients, but I'm just guessing on that! All throughout the hospital, as I went from location to location to get pre-op procedures checked off my list, everyone I met with was in that same frame of mind. It was a pleasure being around dedicated health professionals who, although surrounded by pandemic procedures, were able to continue providing the great care that I've become accustomed to receiving.