Sunday, July 5, 2020

Social Spacing, not Social Distancing!

I'm not keen on the phrase Social Distancing.   

Distancing sounds like you WANT to get away. Being distant has the connotation of being physically and emotionally away from others.  We are constantly being told to be socially distant.  That's just not a good thing at all.  Humans want to be around each other.  We are social animals and we don't like being told what to do.  I know The Bard said a rose by any other name, but why beat ourselves up with a phrase?

I'm good with social "spacing."  It sounds better.  Most of us would rather not be packed in together like sardines in a tin.  Give us some space and we're good being around others.  If we socially space ourselves, we don't have that distancing word haunting us.  Plus, spacing will keep us healthier in the long run.  When we beat this virus, I'd almost like to continue social spacing.  I sure know that I'm going to be suspect about handshakes and hugs for a long time into the future.  Maybe I'll take up politely nodding my head or bowing.

Writing from Illinois, so I'll leave you with this:  Practice Social Spacing and stand at least one President Lincoln away from each other!