Monday, June 15, 2020

Mr Leo of Nebraska

Back in October 2019, I wrote about Mr Leo who resided in one of Nebraska's Veterans Homes. 

See or scroll down to that article.

I was fortunate to spend time talking to him and listening to his exploits during World War II.  At 102 he still had a sharp memory and a great sense of humor.  He was thrilled to receive my Commander's Coin.   Sadly, Mr Leo passed away a few days ago.  We have lost another warrior from The Greatest Generation.

I urge all of you who know anyone who has served in our military, regardless of when they served or what branch, to talk to them. Listen to their stories.  Hear first hand their accounts, good and bad, of their time in service.  With each passing day we lose a valuable part of our history.

Rest in peace Mr Leo!