Wednesday, May 27, 2020

25,000 Views and 29 Countries!

Wow!  We just crossed the 25,000 view mark for the blog and I can't thank all of you enough for joining and reading.  It's been a pleasure chronicling my travel since I was elected Junior Vice Commander in Chief of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.  Just think, we've got several more years and lots of adventures as I continue my journey to become your Commander in Chief.

The top ten countries by readership are interesting.  Number one is the United States followed by "Unknown Region"---who knows where THAT is!  Taking them out of the equation, the remaining eight countries rank as follows:

Tied for First are Germany and France.
Solidly in Third is Canada.
Tied for Fourth are Ireland and Vietnam.
Tied for Sixth are Argentina and Philippines.
Eighth place is held by India.

It's a keen battle and the countries not listed aren't too far off the pace.  You can help YOUR country move up by letting your friends know about the blog and ask them to read it.  Better yet, and here's a shameless plug, ask them to subscribe so they won't miss an issue.

Thank you for your support and as soon as our travel bans are lifted I'll be reporting from a location near you!