Sunday, February 9, 2020

Friendship Forged in the Fires of Viet Nam

We attended the North Carolina VFW Mid-Winter conference this weekend and a lot of great things happened, but more on that later. This is a story that will tug at your heart and make you smile until your face hurts.

After the Voice of Democracy banquet, Roland Rochester came up to me all smiles and tears. I had to meet someone. Nothing new, right? Well this someone served in Viet Nam with Roland.

They had not seen each other since 1972, in Viet Nam!  They glanced at  each other at the banquet and after the usual “don’t I know you” looks quickly realized their shared past.   Tom Wolfe was Roland’s squad leader 48 years ago!  Where else but the Veterans of Foreign Wars can a friendship be made once then renewed almost half a century later?  These two spent the evening together. I can only imagine the stories they shared!

Roland (left) and his squad leader Tom Wolfe