The members of the Alabama VFW are on a mission to correct the course of the past and move forward with vigor! There is transparency in all of the officer actions and they even brought in their investment broker to layout what they have and where a good place is to be in future. The Council made the decisions, not one or two people. It was refreshing to see this sea change in attitudes! They had a nice turnout and their female veteran turnout was impressive too! The meetings as a whole were very professional and a lot of information was disseminated. I can only hope it gets passed on to the posts who need it.
We had a nice BBQ chicken dinner and dance at the local post Friday and it's clear the members take pride in that post. While it looked like Post Anywhere, USA, it had it's own flavor that came through clearly. That's another beauty of the VFW: You can go to any post and it will have a similar feel but a unique style all its own.
I was invited to speak multiple times throughout the weekend. I guess they forgot I used to get paid by the word! But I muddled through and discussed VFW specific issues as well as a vision for the future in our ever changing world of VFW. I'm not sure how I was received but they all certainly liked the dog!
A Room with a View
Eufala Post 5850
Council hard at work!
I get it. You like the dog. But putting her name tag first??? :-)