Monday, October 21, 2019

Big Ten Conference - Omaha Nebraska

This meeting brings together the VFW and Auxiliary leadership of ten Midwest states that comprise the Big Ten.  I enjoyed coming in a bit early to visit Nebraska's biggest post as well as spending the day at a very nice veterans' home.  You can read about those visits in previous blogs.

For this Conference, we shared a lot of great information from the Commanders as they told us what was going on in their respective states. This is a wonderful way to learn what your peers are doing and also a way to get ideas on how to improve things in your own state.  Additionally, we received an in-depth briefing from Kevin Jones, VFW Adjutant General, on many interesting and timely topics.  I had the opportunity to speak to the Conference and provide some insights into what I was seeing in my travels as well as [hopefully] providing some guidance to move things forward in the VFW.  A highlight of the meeting was seeing so many first-timers to the annual Conference!  I recognized that with a coin and personal congratulations.

I was quite happy to see the newer veterans in leadership positions asking questions and taking an active role in the conference.  The organization belongs to every member and we should never go down the road of "group think" just because it makes the meeting go faster.  I anticipate more discussion in our future meetings and that is a great feeling.  I offer my best wishes to the members who announced their candidacy to be the next Junior Vice out of the Big Ten.  And to those who may be announcing in the future, you have my best wishes too!  Competition brings out the best in people and is the best for the VFW.

Conference Banquet - What a great crowd!

Avenue of Flags outside Offutt AFB

Downtown has some amazing bronze statutes of settlers, Native Americans and buffalo...Lots of buffalo!