Friday, September 20, 2019

National Veterans Service Training Update

Five days of classes consisting of 42 separate blocks of instruction ended yesterday and the final three hour exam was today. I attended the Basic Course with 30 other students.  All but two are destined to become VFW Service Officers in their states after they pass.....and they will all do well!  [The remaining two will work for the Viet Nam Veterans of America in Washington DC]

The curriculum was intense and the NVS staff instructors held us to a high standard.  Anyone who thinks service officers are merely paper pushers in the claims process really doesn't understand the high level of knowledge that goes into the making of a good SO.  I thought I had a good idea, but this week really opened my eyes.

The VA only requires 40 hours of training a year.  The VFW requires 80 hours because we set the bar for professionalism, skill, and veterans service.

To my classmates, it was a pleasure getting to know you.  To Ryan and the rest of the NVS staff, your dedication comes through loud and clear.