The National Council met this weekend [Thursday - Sunday] in Kansas City. The Council is comprised of representatives from our 52 Departments, to include Europe and the Pacific Areas, along with the National elected officers and some appointed officers. Many staff members from the Kansas City and Washington Offices were also present, making sure that everything went smoothly as the business of the VFW was conducted.
We tackled many issues over these past days, ranging from setting the budget to refreshing the national Awards program to learning more about the tough choices ahead for our National Veterans Service program. Of course, there were many other items in between that we sorted out. The members of the Council work hard and take their positions seriously. For those unfamiliar with the Council, think of it as similar to the U.S. Congress, where our nation's leaders come together to do those things that are best for all of us. Of course, the VFW Council actually gets things done!
Our Commander-in-Chief, Doc Schmitz, set the tone for the year encouraging all of us to do the best we can but do it in the spirit of good will and cooperation. I think we all enjoyed hearing that message and we certainly will do our best for the membership and the organization!